★ New Course From Rocket Expansion ★

Author Websites Unlocked

How To Transform Your Site from Boring Online Brochure to Book Marketing Machine!

“Possibly the most straight-forward course on author websites and marketing ever made.”

Information Overload Is Hurting Your Marketing As An Author

After working with million-book-selling authors, and authors just publishing for the very first time, we’ve realized…

The Author Websites Unlocked training was made to give you a firm grounding in online book marketing that you’ll actually be able to apply.

Waste no time. Add no extra confusions. Get the foundational course to everything else you’ll learn when it comes to author websites and marketing.


Included In Author Websites Unlocked

We’ll Answer 3 Big Questions For You:

We’ll Start With Why

  • Do you even need a website as an author?
  • What is the purpose of your author website anyways?

We’ll Show You What Actually Makes Marketing Work

  • The recipe to take someone online from an unknown stranger to a reader who feels they have a relationship with you.
  • Which marketing channels should you use to do this?
  • How does your website fit in with these channels?
  • How do you link your marketing channels together for maximum result?

We’ll End Off With How You Can Put This All Into Action Right Now

  • The three options you have in building your ideal author website (hint: do not use option number 1!)
  • Our 3-phase, essentials-only, 22 point checklist to get your author website marketing machine in action right away.


––– Disclaimer –––

This course is not meant to be the last thing you ever learn about marketing and websites as an author.

It’s meant to be the first thing you really learn that makes everything else you do afterward make sense!

I didn’t want to make a course that gives you a million tips on how to do all the little things, without showing why you’re doing them, and how they fit into the bigger picture.


Ok but who are you anyways?

Made by Author Website Specialist Matt Ziranek from Rocket Expansion

Matt Ziranek (Rocket Expansion)

Websites, SEO and Marketing Specialist

Dear Author,

I made this course after personally interviewing and consulting over one hundred authors.

I’ve built my marketing agency up on the basis of genuinely helping people. I really just wanted to find out what you most needed help with.

The reactions I got from sharing, what was to me, simple marketing strategy surprised me!

I was often being thanked all out-of-proportion to the straight-forward advice I gave.

Here is one of the reactions I got. They even left me a Google review?!

After having built websites for million book selling fiction authors like James Maxwell,

and industry-expert, nonfiction authorities like Chunka Mui

Plus countless websites for authors of practically every niche, genre and sub-genre you can imagine…

I realized that I’d actually found a way of explaining marketing to authors that anyone can understand and actually use.

You’re Getting My Best Advice,

Plus Over-The-Shoulder Demonstrations Of How Successful Authors I’ve Worked With Have Applied It.

Because my agency has done websites for authors from virtually all genres and all stages of success, we’ve worked out what works!

We’ve also seen marketing campaigns run on almost every channel you can think of: social media, SEO, paid advertising, email, national TV, etc.

We know what’s worked, and what is a big time waster. We also started to see that there was one bigger picture in marketing as a whole that always worked.

I took everything we’ve learned over the years and created Author Websites Unlocked.

Yours Truly,

Matt Ziranek


Start Now Risk-Free With Our

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

P.S. Still not convinced? You don’t have to be!

If you’re hesitant about getting started because you wonder if it’ll be too hard to learn, stuff you already know, just not quite what you’re looking for, or some other reason…

Don’t worry, you have a completely risk-free 30day money-back guarantee.

At the end of the day, we want you to be completely happy with this course. If you’re not, we’d rather give you your money back!

…Now go ahead and Get Started Already!